The Bingo 90 Show
Bingo 90 is a staple for all Bingo afficionados. Become a whiz at Bingo 90 by reading the article below!
It is time to broaden your horizons with an all-new, Bingo experience; Our first-ever 90-Ball Bingo game!
You play Bingo90 with more Balls and more numbers, so you know what that means: a lot more fun!
Here is how it works.
Each card is made up of 9 columns and 3 rows. Stay focused as the Numbers are spread differently than how you’ve been used to.
Each row has only 5 Numbers, while the rest of the tiles have been daubed already so you have more chances to get Bingo faster!
Getting Bingos is easy too! Daub the numbers to progress and the rewards will surely come.
Daub the One Line Pattern to win the 3rd Place Bronze Reward.
Daub the Two Line Pattern for the 2nd Place Silver Reward, and the entire card to get a Full House and win the 1st Place Golden Reward.
Did you catch that? With a single card you can get as many as three Bingos!
Keep your eyes open for this button in your Lobby.
Whenever our foxy host graces your screen, it means it’s time to Bingo.
Let the fun begin, Blitzers!